Belfast Bound

So my daughter Tessa and I just got back from her Queen’s University Belfast GRADUATION in Northern Ireland! She had a truly AMAZING EXPERIENCE while earning her Master’s Degree in Conflict Transformation and Social Justice and I am so PROUD of her!

Many of her besties were back too and it was PRICELESS! We toured City Hall and the Titanic Museum, walked around City Center and QUB Campus, ate AMAZING food, and drank YUMMY drinks. Guinness, of course, and also Espresso Martinis which were our drinks of choice! I explored several Passionfruit drinks as well… Probably the only time I will be interested in a Porn Star!

Anyway, I LOVE to share things I DISCOVER that truly IMPROVE my life. Whether it is an easier way to do something, another perspective, or a useful product, I want to shout it from the rooftops (#SIFTR)! 

While this was my second time visiting this beautiful country, it was my first time PACKING for an overseas trip in which I actually was extremely DELIBERATE and INTENTIONAL. I really only had to worry about myself… It was really nice! 

It made me think about some of my very FAVORITE TRAVEL items and some tips for a LESS STRESSFUL and more COMFORTABLE adventure. Here are just a few that may seem obvious but reminders can often be a good thing!

  • Important travel documents, $, medication, phone, and any other important items that you would not want to lose- carry them with you and return to the same DESIGNATED spot in your bag EVERY TIME you use them.

  • Bring a scarf that can double as a blanket to block out light on flight because you just might have that one person on the plane behind you that insists on having the super bright light on while you are trying to rest.

  • Conditioner for your hair… if you think all hotels provide it, you’d be wrong. 

  • Make sure you have power adapters that are compatible with the country’s sockets and the RIGHT charging cords especially for the plane. The plane has USB ports… Do you know what doesn't? The charging cord for that newer iPhone you recently got!

  • Speaking of planes, did you know that the row in front of the emergency exit may not recline? Fortunately for us, we were in the row before that row!

  • Speaking of phones, if your phone plan has a relatively inexpensive daily international rate, use it! Made our visit so much easier that we could use our phones normally like checking Google maps, sending a text, and using location when we weren’t together… and checking and posting on social media!

What are your FAVORITE travel items, hacks, or tips? Feel free to post in the comment section! I’d love to hear your recommendations!


Reflection and Growth…


Explore and Soar: Part 2