2023… Getting My Ducks in a Row

2023 hasn’t started out quite as I had hoped since I haven’t felt well since before Christmas. I haven’t finished my annual planning that I had hoped would be in place by the beginning of the year so I could hit the ground running. I am trying not to let that discourage me… I am trying to give myself GRACE while continuing to get my DUCKS in a ROW!

I am still moving forward… I am still making my plan for a successful 2023…Instead of resolutions, I am jumping on the WORD(S) for the YEAR bandwagon.

I have been brainstorming about my WORD(S) and what I think it (they) should be. I have narrowed it down to two to focus on (because I can’t just pick one!) 

I see an angel number in that sentence, and after a quick Google search, I found this in an article which I am totally TAKING AS A SIGN!

“Seeing the number 222 is a sign of good things to come. It can also be seen as a reminder that you are on the right path and doing the right things in life.”

But I digress… My two words are CLARITY and HEALTH, one for business and a personal one!

First, CLARITY. My neurodivergent brain often makes it hard for me to articulate my thoughts. I am learning so much through my mentors (Lisa Jacobs, Bonnie Christine, Stacie Bloomfield, and Wendy Witt- sister extraordinaire, just to name a few) about needing to know where I’m going if I ever want to hit the finish line which means I need CLARITY- to be able to CLEARLY ARTICULATE my GOALS and my WHY! This will require narrowing my focus because I can‘t do everything at once… if only!

Second, after not feeling good these last few weeks and feeling out of shape, HEALTH seems like an obvious choice. I want to feel good mentally and physically!

I have now DEFINED some of my GOALS for 2023. Next up, make a plan on HOW to achieve them!

Have you chosen a word for 2023 or made any resolutions? Please share them in the comments!


Feeling Groovy


Reflection and Growth…